Tribulus has recently been a popular supplement for male health and athletic performance. Tribulus is also a natural adaptogen and can play an important part in a healthy approach to stress management.
700mg Tribulus per serving
Traditional support for male health
Natural adaptogen for stress management.
Rich in saponins which may boost nitric oxide production
Living Nutrition Organic Fermented Tribulus 60 caps
Tribulus has been used in traditional medicine in Greece, China and India, and was recommended for fertility, libido and mood.
It was widely popular as an ergogenic (anabolic) aid in the 1970s and 1980s, and has more recently been a popular supplement for male health and athletic performance in western countries, as well as an enhancer of libido and an adaptogenic aid for healthy and physically active men.
Organic Fermented Tribulus is rich in valuable micronutrients, enzymes, and full-spectrum compounds to support physical health and performance.