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Take care of your teeth and the planet with this biodegradable floss. Stainless steel dispenser you can refill a lifetime.

Flossing: We all know we should do it more often. Dentists recommend doing it every day. Unfortunately, floss is mostly made of nylon and comes in a disposable plastic packaging. So, basically, it is plastic wrapped in plastic. Being small and lightweight, floss thread is part of the plastic products that most easily enter the environment.

Natural alternatives to synthetic

Luckily some alternatives to plastic floss exist. The two main options are bio-based plastic and silk floss. The former biodegrades in an industrial compost the latter biodegrades in your backyard compost.

A reusable floss dispenser

To be really zero-waste floss, the container should be reusable as well. A reusable floss dispenser can be refilled with floss coils. Reusable floss dispensers are usually made of glass or stainless steel.


The package includes two compostable floss coils of 50 metres. You can put them in a reusable dispenser. This swap is ideal to keep your zero-waste flossing habits.

Silk coils

This compostable floss is made of natural silk. Silk has been used by humans for thousands of years for its incredible strength and softness. So, it is well suited for interdental cleaning.

The 50 meters long eco-friendly floss refills are made of mulberry silk, candelilla wax and it has a refreshing peppermint touch. 50 meters of floss is enough for 200 flosses.


Bambaw Silk Floss - Refill 2 x 50m

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